1. Moteurs de recherche
  2. Répertoires
  3. Recherches bibliographiques
  4. Départements d'études classiques & Pages Personnelles
  5. Sites encyclopédiques
  6. Textes et Auteurs
  7. Rhétorique & Stylistique
  8. Histoire
  9. Epigraphie
  10. Cartographie
  11. Civilisation
  12. Archéologie
  13. Journaux scientifiques
  14. Latin médiéval & Littérature néolatine
  15. Byzantinologie
  16. Listes de Discussion
  17. Conférences, Colloques & Appels à Contributions
  18. Didactique des langues anciennes
  19. Les études classiques dans l'enseignement secondaire
  20. Sciences connexes
  21. Publications électroniques sur ARANEOLA-LIBELLUS
  22. Les autres pages d'ARANEOLA


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  1. Moteurs de recherche:


      ARGOS Limited Area Search of the Ancient World

  2. Répertoires:
    1. Aiolos
    2. Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'Antichità classica
    3. Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation by Maria C. Pantelia
    4. Library of Congress Greek and Latin Internet Resources
    5. Classics: a selected guide to Internet resources (University of Adelaide Library Information Service)
    6. RomanSites: a catalog of 1195 websites on Roman antiquity
    7. Greek & Roman Civilisation, University College Dublin
    8. Classical Resources (J. Ruebel)
    9. Classics Alcove (University of Florida)
    10. The Ancient World Web: Main Index
    11. Subsidia interretialia quae ad Romanos antiquos pertinent
    12. Jean-Luc Brazeau Tabula Princeps
    13. Altertumswissenschaft im Internet (Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz)
    14. Orientierungshilfen Klassische Altertumskunde (Universität Kiel)
    15. Links to Classical Material Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
    16. Classics Collection (University of Florida)

  3. Recherches bibliographiques:
    1. Gnomon: Titelseite
    2. TOCS-IN: Tables of Contents of journals of interest to classicists (Toronto)
    3. Bibliotheca Classica Selecta - Présentation
    4. Bibliographies, Classics, U. of Saskatchewan
    5. TEUBNER at Blackwell's
    6. Look it up
      Description: Site qui donne accès à toute une série de banques de données: Lewis & Short Latin Dictionary (Perseus), Internet Images for Classical Antiquity (Holy Cross), Gnomon Online ... .
    7. Nestor Home page
      Description: Nestor,la version électronique de l'"international bibliography of Aegean, eastern Mediterranean and southeastern European prehistory Homeric society, Indo-European linguistics, and related fields."



  4. Départements d'études classiques & Pages Personnelles:
    1. University of Chicago, Classics, Classics at Chicago
    2. University of Pennsylvania, Classics
    3. University of Kentucky (Lexington)
    4. University of Saskatchewan, Departement of Classics
    5. nostris utimur annis: Latinistik in Erlangen
    6. University of Texas at Austin
    7. University of Reading Classics Department Home Page
    8. Classics at Oxford
    9. Faculty of Classics, Cambridge
    10. Rutgers Department of Classics
    11. Description: Visitez surtout les bibliographies établies par Lowell Edmunds:
      • Commentaries on Individual Odes of Pindar.
      • Short Bibliography on Thucydides.
      • Some Dictionaries of Literary Theory and Related Areas.
      • Tools of the Trade for the Study of Roman Literature by Lowell Edmunds and Shirley Werner.
    12. The Classics Homepage at George Mason University
      Description: Visitez surtout la Latin Library
    14. Institut de Recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen-âge (Bordeaux III)
    15. Pomoerium
      Description: Grand site-ressources géré par Ryszard Pankiewicz.
    16. CW Conrad Home Page
    17. James J. O' Donnell Home Page
    18. Ken Mayer Home Page
    19. A humanist and his writing, William Harris, Professor Emeritus, Middlebury College
      Description: Une intéressante collection d'articles sur l'antiquité classique entre autres.
    20. The Atrium: For Devotees of Ancient Greece & Rome
      Description: Le site W3 de David Meadows. On y trouve entre autres un sous-site COMMENTARIUM, "A frequently-updated journal documenting the coverage of the ancient world in the popular (and not-so-popular) press."


  5. Sites encyclopédiques
    1. Perseus Project
      Description: "Perseus is a continually growing digital library of resources for studying the ancient world. The library's materials include ancient texts and translations, philological tools, maps, extensively illustrated art catalogs, and secondary essays on topics like vase painting."
    2. Roman Perseus
      Description: La civilisation latine sur le site Perseus.
      On y trouve entre autres une excellente édition de l'Enéide de Virgile.


  6. Textes et Auteurs:
    1. Athena
    2. The Tech Classics Archive
    3. Perseus texts (original grec; traduction anglaise; dictionnaires)
    4. Auteurs latins sur le ROMAN PERSEUS
    5. Project libellus
    7. Bibliotheca Augustana: Scriptorum latinorum collectio
    8. Apuleius Web page
    9. Apulée, l'Apologie
    10. Augustine
    11. The Julius Caesar Site
    12. The Cicero Home Page
    13. Homerica
      Description: Le site du Centre d'Etudes Homériques de l'Université Stendhal-Grenoble3. On y trouvera entre autres des textes, des traductions, des bibliographies ...
    14. Homer Homepage
    15. L'Iliade et l'Odyssée d'Homère
      Description: "Vollständiger Text von Homer, Ilias und Odyssee " herausgegeben von Helmut van Thiel (Universität Köln);
      "Zugrunde liegt (eine) neue kritische Bearbeitung des griechischen Textes:
      • Homeri Odyssea. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 1991. ISBN 3-487-09457-6.
      • Homeri Ilias. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 1996. ISBN 3-487-09459-2. Adresse: Georg Olms Verlag, D-31134 Hildesheim."
    16. Recent Ovidian Bibliography
      Description: "Recent Ovidian Bibliography is a fully searchable and frequently updated database of publications relating to Ovid from 1990-present."
    17. The Confession of St. Patrick
    18. Egeria & The Liturgy of Jerusalem
      Description: Un extrait de la Peregrinatio Aetheriae.
    19. Plato and his dialogues
      Description: Pour une nouvelle interprétation des dialogues de Platon.
    20. The Last Days of Socrates
      Description: "The Last Days of Socrates was created to help first year philosophy students read the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and the death scene from the Phaedo in order to help them prepare for philosophical discussion of these texts in the classroom."
    21. Pline l'Ancien, Histoire naturelle
    22. Pliny's Letters and Imperial Culture
      Description: Syllabus d'un cours de Jacqui Sadashige, UPENN sur Pline le Jeune.
    23. Regula Monachorum
      Description: "The Rule of Benedict: An index to texts on-line and gateway to its Bibliographic Index."
    24. Tite-Live: Bibliographie
    25. The Vergil Project
    26. Vergil's Home Page
    27. P. Vergili Maronis ÆNEIDOS Editio Electronica (Prof. Farrell, UPENN)
    28. The Online Aeneid
      Description: "The Online Aeneid is a collection of resources in English and Latin about Vergil's famous masterpiece. In it you will find various translations, as well as the original Latin, links to a Latin-English dictionary, and even some e-texts available to be downloaded. Juvate vos!" (Davide Arminie)
    29. Ancient Paths through Text and Image: Vergil's Dido
    30. Digital Eclogues
      Description: "This is a shockwave movie demonstrating an on-line text reader. This example contains all 10 of Vergil's Eclogues and a complete lexicon."
    31. ARTFL Project: Latin Vulgate Bible Search Form


  7. Rhétorique & Stylistique:
    1. Rhetoric Resources at Georgia Tech.
      Description: " ... An important secondary objective, however, is to provide a site on the Web where people from around the country and around the world can come for a quick synopsis of topics related to the study of rhetoric.
      The purpose of the RRT site is not to provide an exhaustive or authoritative treatments of rhetorical topics, but to offer an annotated and hypertextual introduction to the essential ideas and key figures within one of the most important and dynamic disciplinary traditions in the Western academy."
    2. Greek Prose Style Home Page for Greek 701 at CUNY
      Description: Cours de stylistique et de thème grecs donné par H. Hansen à la City University of New York.
      "This is the home page for Greek 701, Greek Rhetoric and Prose Style, a course in Greek prose style and prose composition taught by Hardy Hansen in the spring 1996 semester at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York."
      Commentaire: Riche documentation; parfait exemple d'un cours en ligne.


  8. Histoire :
    1. Internet Ancient History Resource Guide
    2. De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors


  9. Epigraphie:


  10. Cartographie :
    1. OSSHE Historic Atlas Resource Library
    2. Map of the Roman Empire


  11. Civilisation:
    1. DIOTIMA Materials for the Study of Women & Gender in the Ancient World
      Description: "This web site is intended to serve as a resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world."
    2. Index to Passages from WLGR
      Description: "Women's life in Greece & Rome, un site dirigé par Mary R. LEFKOWITZ et Maureen B. FANT.
    3. ARMAMENTARIVM: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour
      Description: "ARMAMENTARIVM has the ultimate aim of providing a successor to H. Russell Robinson's seminal volume The Armour of Imperial Rome, published in 1975 and long out of print. As such, ARMAMENTARIVM will exploit the latest available technology to function as a dynamic book: it will be updated as and when new material becomes available and so will be as true a reflection as possible of the current state of scholarship on Roman military equipment."
    4. Medicina Antiqua: Ancient Medicine
    5. History of Mathematics: Greece
      Description: Un site consacré aux grands mathématiciens grecs.
    6. Archimedes Home Page
      Commentaire: Petit site à visiter ! Présentation excellente !


  12. Archéologie:
    1. ArchNet - WWW Virtual Library - Archaeology
    2. Classics and Mediterranean Archeology Home Page
    3. Romarch
    4. ArchDATA
      Description: Le site-ressources de l'Archéologie française.
    5. Plan de Rome
    6. Skenotheke: Images of the Ancient Stage, Univ. of Saskatchewan
    7. MUSÉE NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE ET D'ART (Luxembourg's National Museum of Art and History): La section gallo-romaine
    8. La mosaïque de Vichten
    9. LUXEMBURGUM ROMANUM (La mosaïque de Vichten)
    10. Journal of Roman Archaeology Select review: Pliny's villas
      Description: "Visualizing Pliny's villas", Un compte rendu de Bettina Bergmann paru dans JRA 8 (1995) 406-420.
    11. The Fayyum: Roman Portraits from Egypt: The eye and eternity

      © 1996 Fondation Jacques-Edouard Berger-Photos: Jacques-Edouard Berger

      Description: "Located some one hundred kilometers south of Cairo, Fayyum is a green and fertile region in a vast circular depression. Its diameter from east to west is approximately 60 kilometers, northwest of the lake of Birket Qarun.
      The ancient Egyptians called this region Mer-our (The Great Lake).
      Fayyum played a significant role during the 12th Dynasty, and later under the Ptolemies.
      The Fayyum portraits conflict in an intriguing manner, scattered as they are around the world in museums and collections and, which, here, bring together the image to be viewed as a whole. An ideal museum, which may be visited city by city, to which we soon become attached, to the extent that, during the visit, already familiar traits await us, as one of this art's truly ambiguous features is its ability to multiply effigies which, at first sight, quickly, even too quickly, elicit a feeling of déjà-vu."
      Commentaire: Un site modèle pour la forme et le contenu. A visiter absolument !



  13. Journaux scientifiques:
    1. Arachnion. A Journal of Literature and Ancient History on the Web
    2. Bryn Mawr Reviews (Bryn Mawr Classical Review + Bryn Mawr Medieval Review)
    3. Classics Ireland
    4. Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics
    5. HISTOS: The new electronic journal of Ancient Historiography
      Description: " 'Ancient historiography' includes: the historiographical texts of Greece and Rome; Byzantine historiography; the historiography of other ancient cultures; ancient biography; the influence of historiography and biography on other literary genres; precursors of historiography and biography; modern theory relevant to the study of historiography; and indeed ancient use of non-literary media for the representation of the past. The focus will be more on the historical texts and media than on the historical problems for which those texts and media are sources, though the emphasis may naturally vary."
    6. University of Cambridge Faculty of Classics: Classical News Bulletin Board. Recent classical and archaeological news stories.
      Description: "The news reports posted on this bulletin board, in counter-chronological order, are from articles published in 'The Times' and 'The Sunday Times' newspapers."


  14. Latin médiéval & Littérature néolatine:
    1. Darko's Home Page
      Description: "Darko's Mediaevalia: Mittellatein im Internet."
    2. Medieval Latin Culture Resources
    3. Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase
    4. Mittellateinisches Seminar - Zürich
    5. Classics 203: Intro to Medieval Latin
    6. Wallonie - Culture: Les lettres latines et françaises par Jacques Stiennon Professeur émérite à l'Université de Liège
    7. Concilium Romarici Montis
    8. Database of nordic neo-latin literature
    9. Exercitium Puerorum
      Description: "Exercitium Puerorum Grammatiale per dietas distributum (Cologne 1499)
      This anonymous textbook, which had its first edition in Cologne in 1491, is a sensible approach to learning Latin. It reflects the heady days after the introduction of the printing press."
      Edition établie par Ken MAYER.
    10. Boym's description of Mozambique
    11. MATEO - Mannheimer Texte Online:
      Wolfgang Schibel: Die humanistischen Studien der frühen Neuzeit - eine Herausforderun
      Description: "Wie studierte man vor drei-, vier- und fünfhundert Jahren Sprache und Literatur, Philosophie und Geschichte? Welche Ziele suchte man dabei zu erreichen? Was können wir aus den humanistischen Studienordnungen der frühen Neuzeit lernen?"


  15. Byzantinologie:
    1. Byzantine & Medieval Links Index
    2. Byzantium: The Byzantine Studies Page


  16. Listes de Discussion:


  17. Conférences, Colloques & Appels à Contributions:


  18. Didactique des langues anciennes:
    1. Classics on-line Course Database
    2. Resources for Latin Teachers
    3. Forum for Latin Teachers


  19. Les études classiques dans l'enseignement secondaire:
    1. Latein auf Stein - Inscriptions latines
      Description: "Au cours de l'année 1996-97 les élèves de la classe de 4CLS1 de l'Athénée ont mis en route, sous la direction de leur professeur de mathématiques M.Claude Blasen, et avec l'assistance de leur professeur de latin M.Edouard Wolter, un travail pour INTERNET sur les inscriptions latines postromaines à Luxembourg.
      Ils participent ainsi à un projet international, qui est ouvert aux écoles des autres pays européens et qui est déjà suivi par une école allemande et des établissements autrichiens.
      Le but du projet est d'abord de réunir un maximum d'inscriptions, de les traduire et de les commenter. Dans un deuxième temps ces données pourront s'échanger au niveau international afin d'atteindre un public plus nombreux et d'être l'objet d'études comparatives.
      Durant leur travail les élèves apprendront à voir le latin non seulement comme la langue de Cicéron, mais comme un élément essentiel de notre patrimoine européen commun, qui tient encore une place traditionnelle dans nos milieux urbains modernes."
    2. Forum Romanum
      Description: "The Forum Romanum is an on-line resource project funded by the VRoma NEH grant aimed at creating an on-line community that collects and makes available materials related to the Roman Forum. This web site contains a clickable map and text links that will carry visitors to information about major structures of the Roman Forum. Each page contains a description of the structure, its function and an image. Links to related stories, more images and maps, textbook connections, literary references, famous characters, and relevant web sites areincluded."


  20. Sciences connexes:
    1. Papyrology Home Page
    2. Duke Papyrus Archive
      Description: "The Duke Papyrus Archive provides electronic access to texts about and images of 1,373 papyri from ancient Egypt."
    3. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web
      Description: "The main focus of the web is on the process used to study the ancient manuscripts upon which the New Testament is based."
    4. The Ecole Initiative
      Description: "The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (Ecole) Initiative is a cooperative effort on the part of scholars across the internet to establish a hypertext encyclopedia of early Church history (to the Reformation) on the World-Wide Web."
    5. ABZU: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East available on the Internet
      Description: "Sources for the ancient civilizations of the Near and Middle East, including Egypt, Sudan, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Judea, Lebanon, Cyprus, Syria, Turkey."
    6. UB Heidelberg, Sondersammmlungsgebiet Aegyptologie


  21. Publications électroniques sur ARANEOLA-LIBELLUS:
    1. Othon SCHOLER & Joseph REISDOERFER: Tables des matières de la revue ETUDES CLASSIQUES
    2. Ch. M. TERNES: PAGINA AUSONII: Introduction à la vie et l'oeuvre du poète latin Ausone


  22. Les autres pages d'ARANEOLA:





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